Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Adam was a great "Bob Wallace" in "Remembering White Christmas" put on by LIGHT.

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If you want to see some great shots of our show (of course only ones that had Adam in them) check out this slide show. It was the first time Adam had ever sang a solo or performed like this. He was in several numbers and did many solos or was the lead in others. He did such a great job. I was the costume person... hard, hard work, but I think they came together for a great look. Thank heavens for Goodwill and Savers & DI. Wish you could have all seen it. It was a great show.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

So much has happened since my last post in August.

Since the beginning of Sept. so much has happened. I had so many pictures I wanted to share, so I put them into collages. Just click on them and they will enlarge and you can see each picture up close and in better detail.
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Bryce and Lara bought their first home and moved in. Adam turned 17 on Sept. 16th. Michael turned 19 and Autumn turned 27 on Oct. 1st. Thanks for letting me share a few of our events in pictures!!!

Sunday, Sept. 20th, 2009

These pictures are the beginning of the two weeks leading up to Michael leaving on his mission.
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Many friends and family came to hear Michael speak in church. After wards we had a luncheon with the family... saying goodbye to Grandparents and Aunts and Uncles, and cousins who had traveled to support him. Thanks for coming!!!

Sunday, Oct. 4th Michael said goodbye to some wonderful friends and family.

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Monday, Oct. 5th....He is officially now Elder Michael Norton Thurber!

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The top picture is of Michael with Bishop Standage and President Speakman. What a special time to be together. We really missed Autumn and Melanie and Dan and the children.

Pictures with siblings....

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After wards we took these pictures of everyone...The cute young man with Michael on the bottom left is Sam... he is one of our family!

Tuesday, Oct. 6th in Salt Lake

Early Tuesday morning we flew to Salt Lake. The picture of Michael at the top asleep was while waiting for our flight. We got into Salt Lake around 11:00 and went and checked into our hotel. Then after getting a quick bite to eat there with my cousin, Lee, we went through a session in the Temple. Afterwards we walked around the grounds and then went up to the top of the Joseph Smith building. After wards we went into the Conference Center where we were aloud to go all the way down to the front. It was amazing and special to be there where conference had just taken place two days before.
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Passing Time

So when we got up on Wednesday morning we had a big breakfast at the hotel and got ready for the day. It was only 10:00 and he did not report until 1:30 but he just wanted to go. So we headed down to Provo. It ended up being really nice. When we first got to Provo we walked a little around the Temple and the first person we passed by was the Elder in the picture in the bottom left. He was going to the same mission as Michael so we had to take a picture. It was a beautiful day and the Temple was so peaceful. Michael had called a few friends attending BYU to say good-bye and one of them, Jason was free so he went to the BYU Creamery with us for a treat. It was a good way to pass the final half hour. We then took Jason back to his class and all of a sudden it was time to go.
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Letting go~

Well as you can see from these pictures he was ready to go. The picture on the top right is what it looked like at the entrance to the MTC. Lots of cars dropping off their missionaries. The one on the top left was at the parking lot across from the MTC where we were allowed all the time we wanted to say our goodbyes and take pictures. The one on the bottom left was me needing one more picture of us together and the one on the bottom right is my favorite. As he was being wisked away by the greeting Elders, I called out to him and he turned and I snapped this picture. He is so happy in it and it made it ok to leave him. As I drove off by myself... yes, very difficult thing to do alone and in tears, I was so proud of him and so grateful to have him there where he so badly wants to be. I love this guy!
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Sunday, August 23, 2009

Some fun recent pictures...

These are just some fun sweet pictures of some fun times with my family... Bryce's little boy, Redding and daughter Madison along with Daniel and me....
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Grand-daugther, Madison's 4th Birthday

These are some pictures from our birthday party for Bryce's little girl Madison... She turned 4 years old yesterday. We went swimming yesterday at her apartment and come over to Grandma Diana's today for dinner and cake and ice cream. We had such a nice time together.
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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Wow... What a great couple of weeks we have had. Starting here and going backwards are a few pictures of all the "going-ons" over the past few weeks...

Friday, August 14, 2009

Michael was able to attend the Temple on August 12th.

He was beaming.
Hugging Lindsey.

Michael and Mom...

It was so special to be in there with him.
Michael and Bryce...
Lindsey, Michael, Bryce & Lara...

August 9th Michael was ordained an Elder.

After Stake Conference Michael was ordained an Elder by his brother Daniel. In this picture from left to right are... Tim Filichia, Sam Loose, brother Bryce James, Michael, brother Daniel, Rick Pyper, Bishop Standage, Bro. Rogers, brother Adam, and Bro. Bowden. It was a great Sunday.

My boys...

I sure love these boys... men... Bryce, Michael, Daniel & Adam.
Michael with his dear friend...my "other" son... Sam Loose. Love you Sam!!!

On July 23rd Michael received his Mission Call!

I was in Indiana seeing Melanie's family. It was the only time I could go and we knew his call may come while I was gone since it had not come the week before... So here he is calling me before opening his call.
Oh, the suspense!!!
"Dear Elder Thurber...."
"You are hereby called to serve...."
....he looks pretty happy.....
... checking out his call with brother Bryce...

"As a Missionary to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints..."

"You are assigned to labor in the California San Bernardino Mission." Michael reports to the MTC on October 7th. We are happy for him and very excited!!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Below are several pictures of my trip to Indiana to see Melanie and her family in July.

Adam went the first week with me then Michael came out late Sunday night and I left early Monday morning to come home to go to Girls camp. Adam stayed the second week with Michael. We all had such a wonderful time. It was soooo green and beautiful and we really had a hard time saying goodbye to them. The two of Preslie was her playing "Peek-a-Boo with Grandma Diana... We miss you & love you guys!!!!! (If you click on the collage it will get bigger so you can see all the pictures clearer.)
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At a beautiful lake only a 1/2 hour away from Melanie's home.

We had such a great time at this beautiful lake... I even went tubing, which I had never done before... I only show these "lovely" pictures of me to prove I did it... check out the before and after pictures of my hair!
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Just some random pictures of these fun kids.

The one of Preslie with the crown on and of her with her Daddy, Dan and brother Ryan was when we celebrated her 2nd birthday...who would think this little "Princess" could really scream when she wants to.
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At the County Fair

It rained on us almost the whole time we were there... but we had such fun. The only down part was not being able to go on all the rides we wanted because of the rain. The one picture is of Maycie standing by a winning dress that was made by her Grandma Vickie for her baptism.
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They look so clean and sweet...

I had to catch them all clean just before church because we all know what happens if you wait until after church to take a picture... not quite the same. I love these kids!
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At the Zoo

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This flamingo was in love with Michael and kept following him around. Preslie sure found it amusing!!